Thursday, 10 July 2014

The Power of a Personal Statement

I work with corporate clients to flush out mission and vision statements for their organizations. These statements often serve to harness and direct the power and potential of a team towards their vision. This way they can clarify their goals and obtain them in a unified and focused way. Powerful and effective mission statements must answer these three questions, “who are we, why do we exist and what do we exist for?". If any member on a team does not know the answer then they connect to the organization in a loose and uncommitted way. "Buy in" from team members typically occur when individuals grasp and agree with the core purpose and vision of an organization in a way that causes them to tap into their essence and creativity and contribute to the realization of the corporate vision.

I have used a similar strategy in couple counselling to harness the strength of a couple and support them in their work to answer these questions, "who are we, how did we come together and why are we together." This type of work clarifies and strengthens the bond of their partnership allowing them to celebrate their individuality as they evolve and give to their partnership their best selves to see their common vision (hopes and dreams) comes to pass. The Couple Statement becomes the frame within which the couple lives. Here they are housed as a collaborative team to express and live out their lives in a loving, meaningful and respectful way. The intent is not to make their statement look good. It is how they live out their statement in a way that causes them to look good because, they are living their statement.

In my work with individuals experiencing various types of trauma as well as mental and emotional anguish I often see how they are defined by their circumstances. Some have been belittled their whole lives that they believe that they are "not good enough", others have been ignored and shunned and believe that they are "shameful and unlovable" and some have been told that they are losers where they believe “that they are failures and will never amount to anything". What we believe shapes our thinking and self perception. What we believe has power over us to shape us into becoming what we believe.

My clients often see themselves very differently from how I see them because of this negative shaping. I see compassionate, courageous, empathetic, caring, hard working and wonderful human beings who have survived hardship and tragedies that would make grown men buckle under the emotional and mental weight of their journeys. I have found that by supporting my clients to define who they are by who they know they are at the core of themselves, allows for them to triumph over what they have been told they are. After we have confronted and peeled back the layers of distorted thinking and self perception and the faulty mental wiring, my clients then start a wonderful constructive process of defining themselves by what is true. We continue to work together until they become what is true and the shift and transformation is the most beautiful experience to watch.

Here is a personal statement used with permission. It has been an honour to watch this individual become her true self.   

              “I am courageous, bold, confident and capable of making wise decisions;             
                I can trust myself; I deserve to be treated with dignity and respect”

You have power and potential within you but circumstances in life often lead us to focus on our lack and our most negative qualities. I encourage you to write a personal statement today - let it become the frame of your life and then live to it in the most lavish way you can until you become the authentic you :)