Tuesday, 12 July 2016

Your Future is unlocked by Your Process

Your future is locked up in you and can only be released by your process. The future of an apple for example is housed within it. Seeds of its future life cannot be discharged until that apple is broken open and the seeds of promise extricated from its safe inner recesses for planting… the apple itself sources its future life.

Hope is that container that stores your future. You can endure your process if you have a picture of what you hope for. Your life’s process is designed to free your future from you so that you are able to create where you are going. Hope gives you a picture of who you can be and this becomes your purpose. Your process helps you develop this picture and your passion becomes the fuel and the light in the development process.

Growing up as a child in a country where my worth was measured by the colour of my skin, created an angst within me. I wanted to be that person who could show up in the world and “see” people. I mean really see people. To let them know that they matter and affirm their dignity. I wanted to be that person that would see and awaken people to their own innate preciousness and their life’s mandate.

This hope/vision could not come to pass without me being processed. Along the way I endured multiple indignities – rejected for job opportunities, rejected in relationships, being taken advantage of financially, being lied to and lied about, and suffering ravaging loses were all a part this unlocking process. If I did not have my picture of hope before me at all times I could have “died” a little after each of these negative experiences. However, my experiences made me more determined to achieve the hope that was in me. My future self - making a difference, bringing hope and assisting humanity in making meaning of their pain and sense out of their chaos was being pressured out of me through each of these experiences.

Today, I am grateful for the pain, grateful for all the struggles as they have uniquely given me insight into human suffering and human potential. My hope for you today is that you will allow your process to unlock your future so that with hope you can purposefully and confidently walk into your future.