Wednesday, 7 May 2014

"Necessity is the Mother of Invention"

It is believed that Plato was the author of this saying, which contains the meaning that difficult situations actually inspire creative ways to deal with such difficulties. It is an interesting thought that problems themselves contain the ability to inspire you towards actions and solutions. That, within the problem lies the solution is a very different way of looking at problems.

Re-framing in therapy is a technique used to assist individuals in seeing things differently by changing the lens through which they view their challenges. It is how facts are preserved and assumptions are confronted. Assumptions are the frames that limit your capabilities and your perception of self.

When you change the frame, the power of the assumption or false belief is destabilized and often broken as the structure that holds a belief together is challenged and can no longer support that belief. A thought or a situation that often arises for me is, "I cannot reach anything" - the frame or belief that holds this statement together is, " being short limits me." If I reframe by saying that, "Dynamite comes in small packages", I am not denying my small/short stature but I have changed how I see my smallness.

As necessity mothers invention, reframing mothers possibilities and causes you to see situations through alternative and creative ways. For example, you could say, "This conflict in my marriage or place of work is an impossible situation" you can choose to distort, exaggerate or deny the factors around this conflict or you can choose to reframe the situation. If you are able to reframe, then you can create new ways of thinking. Instead of seeing the situation as impossible you can say, "This conflict gives us the opportunity to find new ways of relating." The reframe shifts you into a new place and instead of withdrawing from the conflict and feeling hopeless, hope is unlocked and creative solutions and strategies come into view.

Like necessity inspires innovation and invention, reframing dismantles supporting beliefs around limiting thoughts and causes you to shift into new perspective and creative thinking zones.

So... happy dismantling. Remember preserve the fact but change the assumption/belief and then begin to create the way you would like to live. My reframe today is that I am no longer living to work but I am working to live! 

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