Those who are "unconciously incompetent" lack awareness and insight into the need for change. Being unaware essentially shows that you are out of tune with yourself and those around you. It can be frustrating to observe someone who is in a meeting and clicks their pen totally unconcious (unaware) that their habit is an irritant to others in the room. Someone in the room may have the courage to says something and then the 'pen clicker' become "conciously incompetent" (aware). He may become aware, yet lacks the ability to actually stop clicking his pen. He then makes a concerted effort to change his behaviour and demonstrates "concious competence" as he resorts to buying pens that do not have a clicking mechanism. This way he takes responsibility by harnessing and changing his behaviour and shows consideration for those around him. If Mr. Pen Clicker continues on in his change process then it becomes his 'new normal' where he is "unconciously competent" and does right by reflex - he stops clicking his pen and becomes a joy to be around.
Awareness and taking responsibility become the key ingredients for change that will move you towards bliss. We often become defensive when others point out our flaws and as such remain ignorant of our blind spots. If you are hearing recurrent themes about your behaviours and quirks from various sources in your life it is likely that there is need for change. If you have been told that you tend to be negative and have have a tendency to speak poorly of others see it as an opportunity for change and growth. Instead of resisting the light of awareness that wants to break through in you, embrace it. Cooperating with this awareness brings with it a natural energy that steers you towards responsible and blissful living.
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