Thursday, 13 March 2014

Living or Sleepwalking

Too many people walk through life oblivious to the many opportunities that exist in their day to impact their world in positive way.

Too many people wake in the morning with no sense of direction for their lives.
Too many people walk around purposeless and unfulfilled.
Too many people die with their dreams and potential locked away in them. 
Too many people believe that their social, physical and mental lack is their lot in life.
Too many people live without hope trapped in their inabilities and suffocating without a way out of their circumstances. 
Too many people are so busy surviving their lives that they have stopped living them.

Too few people hear, " you matter, there is a better way, how can I help you ?" 
 You can make a difference if you choose not to sleep walk through life.

We have been lulled to sleep by the busyness of life. Our self-absorption hinges on the fulcrum of us enduring our days as we go from one event to the other, overstimulated by the various demands on us to live the lives we created. This over-stimulation often puts us into a catatonic state that is marked by an unresponsive stupor where we are indifferent to external stimuli. We sleepwalk through our world oblivious to the needs, suffering and opportunities which exist for us to make a difference every day. 

A smile, an act of kindness, making a phone call to connect someone to a job opportunity, offering a helping hand to a single parent, choosing to sit with someone five minutes longer and making a phone call to encourage someone you know is struggling, are all little ways by which we can break out of our self imposed stupor and add value to the way we live our lives.  By living responsively we truly begin to live this life in a meaningful way. 

Will you continue to sleepwalk through the life of your making or will you choose to live?  Commit to making a difference today. Start small, make that phone call to a friend you have not spoken to in a long while. You will find that you will slowly start to come alive. Slow things down; live consciously and with purpose and take a hold of the many opportunities to make your life count today. A life without meaningful interaction is after all ....sleepwalking.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your sharing. It's very useful for me. My friend has same problem.I can get more knowledge about sleepwalking. Waitting for your new articles.
