“I am not a toxic wasteland; no
dumping allowed" Abby Napora
the value of boundaries is the best gift you can give yourself. When healthy
boundaries are set they preserve that space for you to continue to do your
work to become the you that you want to be, and makes a demand on
those around you to respect the requirement you set in place to maintain your
this to occur you must have a sense of your personal value so that you are
able to assert your value through boundary setting conversations. When this
does not occur in your relationships then boundary lines become
blurred and you become a dumping ground for others toxic emotions and
dysfunctional behaviours.
Most fear
setting boundaries because they fear losing relationships or creating distance
in their emotional ties with those they love. The opposite is true. Boundaries
question and bring clarification to the type and quality of bond you have with
those you relate to. If your bond only exists with a friend around talking
and criticising other friends then that bond needs to be inspected in light of
what emotional health and relationships mean to you. Otherwise you will
always feel unsafe in that relationship - because if this friend can
"gossip" so freely about others you will always doubt your safety in
that relationship. So, an example of a boundary setting conversation in this
context would be, “I so desire to cultivate and strengthen my friendship with
you. It would be meaningful for me if we focused on those things that make us
better as individuals. For this to happen can we commit to not talking about
others except we do it in a positive way? If I see that others are
being talked about in a negative way I want to give you the heads up that I
will be dis-engaging from the conversation. I need to do this because I don't
want to be a toxic dumping ground."
If you
are feeling overwhelmed and emotionally exhausted it is likely that your
boundaries are permeable. You may be a dumping ground for people who cannot
manage their own toxic emotions and need to release some to you in order
to relieve some of their own pressure - yet all they do is make room for more
toxic emotions and their process to deal with the issues that need attention in
their lives become interrupted by your enablement.
boundaries keeps you safe and redirects others to do their own work. "I
love you and I want you in my life but your anger needs to be checked at the
door of our friendship. If you cannot find a way to manage your anger, I will
have to limit our visits to an hour instead of a day. I really hope
that we can continue to grow together but your anger hinders our ability to
establish a closer and more meaningful friendship."
boundaries is like putting on a hazmat suit. It allows you to be in toxic
environments where you can offer support and assistance without compromising
your own value by succumbing to and being overcome by others inability to cope
with their own emotional toxicity. Setting boundaries require reflection and
courage. Determine what is important and then tap into your desire to be better
choose to be courageous and then schedule boundary setting conversations and
put up the sign posts around your life - " I am not a toxic wasteland; no
dumping allowed."
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